Tag Archives: pandorum

Memories feed the present…

18 Oct

Yesterday i bumped into an old friend while i was on my out from the movie (Pandorum – btw no so good, i expected smth else. It’s the kind of movie that you need a certain mood in order to watch it at midnight at the mall πŸ™‚ it resembles Resident Evil too much ).

I gave him a ride home and, as we chatted, we remembered all the (New Years Eve) parties, the concerts, the craziest drives by car in Bucharest, the couples we knew, the clubbing, the party gang…..he worked for quite a long time abroad and when he arrived back in Romania, everyone is separated, everyone is more and more busy, everyone changed their interests…

He asked me what clubs i frequent now and i found myself a little entangled when i needed to answer the question. Just realised that the old times passed, the parties as i knew once, the people how i knew them once changed…i can’t say that the good times passed, but they changed a lot and the memory of that days shook me up…and made me realise how much from the past is delivered to the present, how much from the past interferes in the present.

i don’t have a fave club anymore, the music i listen to daily changed. I will always have trance music, but now at parties and concerts. I will always have parties at somebody’s home, but now the parties i go to are with “finger food” and sushi and not crunches and sandwiches :)))Β  I will always have clubbing, but now the clubs aren’t the same ones as before, the music is more underground and alternative, but I will always dance from 11 pm to 5 am πŸ™‚ I will always have my concerts which i hardly wait going to…

Many experiences can be declared as water under the bridge, but many are very much alive in my memories and in my day to day activities, as i run my life after all that experiences and after the people who came into my life, stayed or not in the present or will stay for the future, but who made me as i am now.

Anyway, i miss those days. I miss the concerts with the gang (Mission with Armin and Tiesto resembled those days a little), the preparations for the parties, the chills before (friends know why), the crazy dance on the stupid song with Roxana, the tents in Vama Veche, the clubbing till 6 am in the morning πŸ™‚

“And the people they were dancing to the music vibe
And the boys chase the girls with the curls in their hair
While the shy tormented youth sit way over there
And the songs they get louder
Each one better than before”Β  –Β  Amy McDonald – This is the life πŸ™‚