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New place to call it HOME

7 Feb

Yeah! today you witness the beginning of a beautiful relationship. it’s high time for me to admit that i have a steady relationship. with my blog :)) another milestone. so, i now give you my new and improved blog – (this blog will no longer be updated)

For some of you, i have a special request – please update the links on your sites with the new address of my blog.

Come and visit for now, i have cookies :D-

MY best of it.

1 Feb

I made a decision to temporary put myself on the first place. And adventure. And long forgotten hobbies (like photography). Not family, not bf, not work, not friends, not sports, not money, etc. This was easy, but what came out of this wasn’t, or isn’t to be more exact. When I first started to think about solo traveling in Thailand nobody took me for real, maybe they knew I was too tightened to life here and I was speaking gibberish. But face it, I don’t really have (for now) REAL responsibilities, except for my own happiness and how I manage that, through me and through others around me. I’m not blind, people around me have great impact on me and I have great impact on them, but too many times I was thinking about the consequences of this fact and made decisions under this influence. All I want now is to take some time, spend it with myself. I was asked some time ago which was my superpower. I thought that I needed time to figure this out, but I already knew what was it: just being myself and being able to let myself go in the same time. Sometimes I look like sleepwalking through my life and sometimes i am more sober and capable that i ever thought i could be. This situation is no exception.

People around me acted as if “it will pass”, “it’s just a phase she is going, she won’t really see it through”. But I did. I (tried) to explain my decision to people important to me, I talked to my boss, I bought plane tickets. Then, people RE-ACTED. Some reacted good, much better than I expected them to (parents, colleagues, boss-btw, thx a bunch, guys!), some re-acted bad and made me (not to rethink my leaving, as they would have wanted), but made me sad that they weren’t there for me, that I couldn’t share the excitement, that they couldn’t be glad for me and that they couldn’t see my decision as a sign of a REAL step in sobering myself.

Maybe it’s just me, but when you are in a relationship you don’t “breathe” only that relationship. You need to be able to breathe by and for yourself, as an individual, as a part of a whole, in order to be able to breathe inside the relationship. Why can’t we just be relaxed and feel at ease with the other’s way of being even if it is different than ours? Why can we accept that THIS brings people together much more than trying to sculpture the other as you want him to be..

I let myself once be influenced and the result was that I didn’t do what I felt like doing. Back then, I was thinking too much with my heart, ignoring what my guts and mind were saying.. I don’t really regret it in the mean way, but now, a couple of years later, I still think about that moment like of a lost train or bad inspiration and I wished then for myself that I wouldn’t do this again, that I will listen to my guts, heart and mind. IN THE SAME TIME, hopefully. Life doesn’t give us any guarantees, I realized that. we only take leaps of faith or make decisions that we must assume for ourselves. What ever this means. I have to always think ahead and live my life as I know best.

Even if I don’t leave now, this feeling won’t stop, I won’t be able to take some time for me and my staying here, now, isn’t/won’t be a guarantee of a future whatsoever anyway. I’m certain that in one way or another, my leaving like this will definitely mean a change for me of some sort. And for others impacted. I’m no fool. As I can change perspective, everybody can do the same. It will enrich me and I’ll definitely find more goods than bads in the end, and if less fortunate things happen, I’ll make sure that I’ll find the courage and power to congratulate myself because I went through this by making the best of it. MY best of it.

Please note that ..”Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” – Neale Donald Walsch

Photo source

..Romania doesn’t even have such a high rate of criminality. but has a high rate of negativism

21 Oct

I’ve always told myself that i wouldn’t talk about Romanians, i should refrain from this discussion. About Romania yes, but about Romanians – no, words written don’t explore the whole idea of being a Romanian and i think that foreigners don’t understand us completely and they only pick up some cliches. Even me, when i’m asked about my people i don’t know exactly if i should give the official statement (hospitality, simple people..) or try to explain and maybe even justify some facts. when i’m asked to talk about Romanians i surprise myself with using very strong words, very decisive and explicit, like an attorney in court, who says his final pleading.

I think that (from the countries that I’ve visited and many people of different nationalities that I’ve talked to) Romanians are among the most difficult nationality to discover, to understand and explain.  And i’m not referring to culture or education facts, i’m talking about character, fears, strengths, mentality and communist inheritance and the experiences lived for more than 20 years now that changed us and influenced our future selves.

So, i guess that before stupid logos, tv commercials, cheap outdoors, ordinary slogans, expensive and controversial campaigns for Romania, a national brand should be created and promoted by its people, citizens and we first have to decide how we think about us, take a moment and reflect on how we would describe ourselves.

Is it hospitality that defines us? Yeah ..right. where is this hospitality, cause it’s a concept so old and rooted that it has almost lost it’s value and significance somewhere along the way!? I guess we don’t mean couchsurfing or other ways to accommodate tourists or when we have opportunities to accept guests. Maybe we see this hospitality in the countryside, at simple and humble people. But in urban areas, i don’t see this as a trademark, even if my team an I conducted an entire campaign strategy based on Romanian hospitality (funny one though, much exaggerated) at Communication Olympics  to stimulate tourists in Scandinavia to come to Romania . Maybe i will later edit here. but it was under the laws of advertising..a sort of poetical license. 🙂

friendly – yeah right here also. cause we always shake hands or what? i read a study somewhere that says Americans are shocked when they come to Romania and see that we shake hands for almost any reason. We are friendly only when we want. we first are judgemental and then friendly, only if the other person suits our expectations. We are not used to take a person as he is and learn something from every experience, not all of us at least. I see this only happening among the young generation, that has encountered many types of characters while traveling abroad. But most Romanians still think in stereotypes and are under the influence of communist inheritance.

beautiful girls, cheap booze, great clubbing – got that right. :)) or maybe is the cheap booze that influences the other two ?:))) sarcasm noted here

hard working – hard working or hardly working?! hard working is a concept related and used together with the hospitality issue in general. maybe we are hard workers, putting in more sweat than inspiration in finding and cultivating favorable contexts. I also think that Romanians are very flexible and adaptable to every situation.

communist inheritance and the experience of 20 years consumer society – from many bad heritages (from behavior point of view) inherited i want to talk about fear and distrust. We fund ourselves raised (as a nation) to always look around us, always second guess  others, always having a kind of inferior attitude or building an overprotective shield. I always surprise myself looking at people getting in the public transport in order to catch their distrustful and query eyes looking for any sign of territorial interruption from behalf of others around them. they keep their purses close and tight in front of themselves. Take the daily example of me: i’m always looking around when i step off the car, open the trunk or smth, always with the fear that somebody might see what’s inside and smash my car afterwords. This ..situation really happened to a close friend a couple of weeks ago in the overrated – Historical Center of Bucharest. That’s sick! i kept in mind that this could happen, but i didn’t take it for serious consideration actually..until really happened.

What is normal for us (to be careful that something bad could happen) is very abnormal to foreigners that don’t even take into consideration this probability. Two years ago in Switzerland there was a store with all kinds of holiday decorations for outdoors. The store was closed, but boxes with decorations sticking out were kept outside, during the night. for many nights.

And nobody was stressed out cause of that, nothing was stolen and i was wow-ed by “their normality”. cause in “my normality” the boxes outside (even locked) weren’t to be left outside from the very beginning… and that’s only an example. there are many like this. i am completely mystified by the gap in attitude, the difference positive thinking and lack of negative experience are doing!!

not to mention that Romania doesn’t even have such a high rate of criminality. but has a high rate of negativism, misdirected protection and baggage of experiences that spoke for themselves and speak even now.

Photo credits

life in beta version

8 Jun

These days I set myself a new goal: to simplify my life. From the beginning of this year everything was going crazy and stuff just piled up and i found myself surrounded by all sorts of “clutter”. The pressure was high and still is. Every decision i have to take is consuming me as i try to take things seriously, especially those affecting my future, trying to come up with solutions to please all or at least many.

Sometimes i take a decision and try to stick on it, sometimes i second guess me.I think 2011 was (so far anyway) the year of choices for me. from little things that “just happened” to big decisions involving also people around me, people who care deeply about me and who i don’t wish to hurt whatsoever. but are hurt as the situations flow ahead, without my control.

I have to learn to see what is important to me and what makes me better and discover the “forward path”, without taking or considering even the sideway exits.

It’s a kind of  “voluntary simplicity” or a “focused simplicity” morelike. Life will always be crazy and hard, but i need to keep my mind set and unslipperish, need my concentration to be at the highest level in order to obtain more from a “focused” me.

Maybe i don’t even have the concept of “keep it simple” and i am made for this insane rhythm, this is what boosts my energy. But i am tired and i wish that things could be simpler, no more cloudless or haze. I enjoy my life to the fullest, taking what’s best from it, but i realize that all this maze of decisions isn’t good for anybody and i end up more surprised of me than others, not enjoying so much the whole life thing as i thought, cause my life is a constant drama which i enjoy like a masochist (figure of speech, doh! 🙂 )

It’s high time to reconsider and to keep an open and clearer mind set and try to leave behind the constant stress and chaos of decision-making. It’s hard and i’ll definitely miss “my complications” in a life that is now so packed to the hilt .

What i’m saying is that i want to get rid of this general feeling of uneasiness, ME supporting my decisions and use this new-released energy to tackle one provocation at a time, be aware of what solid is, by letting aside the critical situations which i needed so much..try to stop shuffling.



28 Mar


I’m sending this letter because i’m just worried about you.I know that from the beginning of this year you’ve been in a limbo phase and wanted to check up on you. These couple of months have been rather rough and edgy, you’ve been living life as you always wanted, intense, with many ups (and also downs), but with difficult choices, with experimental situations, but hey, that’s WHO YOU ARE. You keep saying this, but this doesn’t absolve you for every mess and complicated situation that you get yourself into or even find yourself in (when it already escaped from your control). It doesn’t free you from guilt or blame or their consequences.. someday you will just have to face the facts, face WHAT YOU WANT and stop being afraid of taking ONE MORE HARD&DIFFICULT CHOICE.

You attract many complicated situations and then you find yourself tangled, having no plan whatsoever, getting a hand of all these as you roll. Yes, that is who you are, but everyone should check up on himself once in a while and draw a between-phases conclusion.

Since i know you, you’ve always been between one or more complicated situations: either the choice was simple/dramatic maybe, or far/near, or permanent/temporary, etc you’ve been struggling for something and didn’t quite feel at ease with all your choices in the long run.

You are appearing and acting egoistic, doing everything that comes to your head, without considering all the facts and implications. you just do, act, live your life no matter what the costs “of living” like this are. I see through you. you aren’t THAT egoistic as you would like to be or would like to appear. If you were like that, you wouldn’t have struggled after taking the tougher choices, always questioning yourself on the side, seeing if you really can reward yourself with a “thumbs up” smiley..

You are egoistic and independent to an extend that you act on intuition and emotion rather on logic and don’t consider anyone or anything on the side, like a bull aiming for the red color. IN THEORY, you would like things to be more simple, but you are almost certain that this won’t turn you on or won’t keep you interested in the long run. You LOOK for complicated things, need that adrenaline rush from these on-the-edge-situations almost as you need snowboarding, paragliding, kitesurfing and motorcycling stuff!

I know you can take up and cope with any situation, because you find ANY EXPERIENCE WORTH TAKING AND RISKING in order to learn something new about yourself and about the others involved. what went wrong, what was good and, like any optimistic, you find always more goods than bads. in some almost twisted way you find the courage and power (!!) to congratulate yourself because you went through this.

You put yourself out there and learn on the move about you and about what you want. this may be a good thing. I always considered yourself to be more of a person who better regrets doing something at a certain moment (when THIS choice appeared to be the BEST ONE) than regretting NOT doing something, sometime. But this also may mean a bad thing. without mentioning that you can hurt exactly the people that you don’t want to hurt. You learn about what you want on the move, as you seek to keep up with every change in your life, learn about yourself … only being yourself and by letting yourself go at the same time.. sometimes you look like sleepwalking through your life and sometimes you are more sober and able that you ever thought you could be…

You are now scared of the many things that can go wrong AND of the many things that can go OK, but seem to be wrong also..Curiosity, emotion and this need of yours to discover new experiences and new limits got you here in the first place..

Clear out your head, lighted up and you should discover what you want and really need. Take the Paris trip as an opportunity both to forget and to consider yourself and yr impact on others. Do not overthink it or hesitate and be superficial. Let go and then maybe everything looks more simple. You are at a difficult crossroad and it’s high time you acknowledge that and act for damage control or just …be in control.

Keep me posted, hope to hear good news! whatever good news may mean at this time 😉



Paris avec les filles!

23 Mar

Les ingredients clés pour une escapade magnifique à Paris:

  1. Paris au printemps
  2. 4 filles
  3. soirées mélomanes & dansantes
  4. photos
  5. mini-jupes & talons hauts /ballerines
  6. Paris la nuit
  7. promenades le long de la seine – champagne, chocolat, crepes
  8. nouveaux amis
  9. pique-niquer dans les parcs
  10. bonne humeur!!

PS:  J’ai trouvé quelques bons conseils sur – – génial!

Les actualités et commentaires à venir prochainement!

Grace Potter & The Nocturnals – Paris (Ooh La La)

Envie de paris

8 Mar

prochainement – Paris escapade avec les filles 🙂

through a theater phase

3 Feb

from the creators of “a NICE per day”…. :)))

I guess i’m going through a theater phase these couple of weeks. Although I did some dabbling in theatre a couple of years ago, i haven’t thought of myself as a frequent theatre goer.  i’m more of a movie-person than a theater-person, but not because i don’t love plays as much as films, but it’s actually a strive to catch a good and honest ticket at the theater nowadays. it’s quite a hunting experience.

I love the feeling at the exit from a play. is very different, like the play itself was a marvel and you must behold it as long as you can. everything is so life like and you can probably find yourself in most of the situations depicted..i realise that theatre is so rich in what it offers and i guess, when i’m going, that i’m kinda envious on their world all together, but glad to be a part of it for a while and catch that feeling of “the world’s a stage..”

movie nights are always fun when Orange Wednesdays happens and you can see all the cinemas full and crowded…for a Wednesday night. Theatres are just as full and getting a ticket is a time costing adventure, but when you think of it, can make worth your while much more than a movie does, theater can reflect ideas and situations in a way that the film and tv industries simply can not.  And suddenly, after hunting the theatre ticket so much and looking forward to some play, it even becomes oddly affordable 🙂

So, i think i came across an addiction or something, i can’t help myself looking for more tickets at different plays:)

in the last month or so i’ve seen:

Doctori de femei – great comedy of situations, yet very unusual location for a play; freakish audience (not really theater goers, but the ones who enjoy very-easy-to-digest comedy TV shows). the end of the play finds you in high spirits. so that’s a real push to go and see it.

Crima la Howard Johnson – ok for a play, a little lower on jokes than the previous one. same location which is a turnoff in some way

Fantoma, dragostea mea! – seen it on a going-out-with-my-mom night 🙂 definitely a nice and easy play, full of humor. the actors are great, in fact Marius Florea Vizante kinda surprised me throughout the play, a remarkable acting experience ! the play made me feel exultantly joyful. seen it at the only project based theater in Bucharest, Metropolis.

and ..coming up next (i have already tickets for):

Straini in noapte – to be continued


Photo credit

my thoughts exactly

8 Jan

why do we always have to be reminded about enjoying and loving simple things in life and about being optimistic and seeing what’s around us?

why are we keep forgetting what we love, what we see, who we are?

i often say the same thing. embrace yourself as you are and see beyond. be authentic and truly be who you are ..

1000 awesome things blog

Una musica brutal…part 2

27 Nov

Nobody asks you anymore what kind of music you listen to.Some years ago this question was a real trademark. I think most of us are familiar with ASL,PLS thingy. After these two,immediately came “what music do you listen” which was considered a sure cause for ‘elimination’! If you managed ok, beyond this point everything was a piece of cake and a DEFINITELY MAYBE! 😀

Music frenzies are divided nowadays into two categories (especially in Romania): normal people who like music and have developed a music culture. PERIOD. And red necks who like gypsy music.  Please note that this has become an UNDERSTATEMENT in Romania..

We also have GOOD gypsy music, but i’m not talking about this kind, unfortunately.. You don’t really need to have ‘an eye’ for these things to have a look at someone and easily fit him/her in one of these 2 categories above…I’m mostly ashamed by the ‘general’ music in my country because some judge all of us cause we don’t get enough credit to the gypsies and don’t promote their culture…

I for one think that we GAVE and still GIVE TOO MUCH credit and the  trend of positive discrimination is taking over, as it still is wrongly understood. The uneducated part of the society and the general trend of gypsy-ism have transformed Romania into an outrageous and insulting reign of ‘manele’ ..!! (editors note-‘manele’ is the gypsies’ music, but not the traditional and authentic one unfortunately, but the type which combines Balcanic, Oriental, folk music with dance, pop ..well every other types of music we can possibly name. ‘Manele’ genre comes from ethic gypsy communities-‘Rromii’ in Romanian. But this type of can be heard not only in gypsy communities, but in Romanians as well, as it resides in poorer urban and countryside communities)..

Una musica brutal…

26 Nov

First of all i would like to saythat staying at home these couple of days got me thinking to past times and the music i was listening a couple of years ago, the clubs i was frequenting, the friends/ the gang i was with etc. Yesterday i cleaned my iTunes Library and made myself a playlist of all time favorite songs I like to hear from time to time, arranged the albums and so on.. and i realized how much my taste in music has changed over the years. I always considered myself having the music culture ‘running through my veins’ and, depending on the mood i was in, i listened to a certain genre. Music is a culture that greatly reflects our way of being, our character and disposition.

I remember how i used to listen to music in high school and, the iPod is stuck somewhere in the car, used only when at gym or when out of town. Radio in the car, radio at work 90% of time. In (high) school we gave each other tapes and later on CDs of favorite music, we made mix tapes with songs we loved and put in a special order just to say/express something we couldn’ was used then like a way of bounding a lot greater than it is today. Maybe because of the access we now have to music, maybe music is now too common and the tastes are too shallow..If you ask someone now what kind of music he listens, he maybe will give you an answer, but a really general one because ‘he likes many types of music”.

If you asked me especially in the last years of high school and first years of college, i spitted out at least one douzen Djs and several genres of electronic music that many even hadn’t heard about. I surprised then as i also took pleasure in listening rock for example. Back then we all were divided: rockers, hip hoppers, electonic music freaks or so on 🙂 Now the music is more refined and some may say that ‘you can even dance on it’ :)). our music at least!

So, i gave myself the courage to make a list of my mega giga extra favorite songs and put them in a special playlist which combines NOW with BACK THEN

Placebo – Running up that hill; Battle for the sun, Every you, every me ; Infra red;

Tiesto – Beautiful things, Adagio for strings, Love comes again

Armin van Buuren – In and out of love, Fine without you

Hurts – Wonderful Life, Illuminated

30 seconds to mars – Kings and queens, Closer to the edge

Phantom Planet – California

Red Hot Chili Papers – Californication, Scar Tissue, Under the bridge, Can’t stop

Deftones-diamond eyes

Sheryl Crow – Behind blue eyes

Gogol Bordello – Start wearing purple; Immigraniada ; Pala Tute; Think Locally, Fuck Globally

Scorpions – Winds of change

Empire of the Sun – Walking on a dream

Gotan Project – Una musica brutal

The Eagles – Hotel California

Death cab for cutie – Soul meets body

Breaking Benjamin – Diary of jane, Blow me away

Led Zeppelin – Stairway to heaven

U2 – With or without you, One, Sweetest Thing

Guns ‘N Roses – Sweet child of mine; November Rain

The Killers – Read my mind, When you were young

Pink Floyd – Another brick in the wall; Wish you were here, Comfortably Numb, One of these days

MGMT – Kids

Urma – Terminus, Buy me with a coffee

Manchester orchestra – I’ve got friends

Muse – Undisclosed desires, Resistance

(verrrryyyyy harddd to choose only a few songs) So, i reserve the right to continue the list :))

Photo source

selected pics from turkey

27 Oct

more to come

In and out with the OUTDOOR

12 Oct

One advertising channel that i think could be more creatively and more efficiently used is the outdoor.

Why argue about having this…

(Photo credits:

….when you can have this: via

A very creative outdoor campaign. The commercial titled Straw, Billboard was done by MacLAREN McCANN CANADA advertising agency for COCA COLA (COCA-COLA company) in Canada. It was released in the September 2010.

I don’t think that i’ve seen lately one wise and creative outdoor campaign. It’s a medium of high influence, offers traffic and visibility like hell and you can “follow” your consumer. Of course, it has to be eye-catchy, to have that distinguished function to wisely make use of the space (that we have it anywayz) and make enough buzz around the campaign and around the product thus communicated. have great impact on the perceptive and the behavioral plans in order raise interest in buying if they are coherent, interesting and creative.

Why make populist arguments to interdict the outdoor on the principle that outdoors look ugly on the “beautiful” and “recently renovated” buildings and the much so greyish buildings? why be so damn narrow minded? can this be because we don’t have a single outdoor campaign and when we think about it it still makes us smile or meditate upon it?

There are places in this entire world where every space counts and most of the outdoor campaigns use this opportunity to make people feel good when they see the ad, make them laugh or make them think at something? and this doesn’t happen if you put a car (for ex), a price and a headline…

This year was made the first study on outdoor commercials and their impact. D&D Research showed that 84% of the respondents have a positive attitude towards the street advertising, considering this kind of commercials to be useful and with the role to inform of what’s new on the market. Nothing on how creative we think now is the advertising area or how much/little they make use of the space and the locations where they are put, or on if they grow brand awareness or not.

The outdoor advertising is growing continuously and should push companies to realize strong and with impact campaigns to deliver emotion and attachment in the public space. Maybe this is the reason why this year, for the first time, Clear Channel International sponsored the 2010 edition of Cannes Lions 2010. And maybe that’s why Coca Cola is still sitting on the facade of the Picadilly Circus in London since 1955, the greatest outdoor LED facade in Europe.

The responsibility for my own happiness

5 Jul

For now on i want to base my decisions only on what i feel, what i want and what keeps me satisfied. Sounds selfish, but everybody does that in one extend or another. if not, you might regret at some time that you didn’t follow yourself more…first and foremost everyone has the responsibility for his own happiness! and then the responsibility of everyone else’s…

recently i remembered a part of a quote that i loved once and looked it up  to get it right 🙂 “Don’t do what you want. Do what you don’t want. Do what you’re trained not to want. Do the things that scare you the most”. Belongs to Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters. This author is one of my favourite, as he wrote one of the best underground novels “Fight Club”, yes, THAT Fight Club.

photo credits

The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun

5 May

The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun.

🙂 -> post related to Delia

Sometimes my friends ask me how do i juggle between work and other activities (not related to job), how do i have the energy to do smth after work. it’s simple. from these kind of activities (moto rides, movies, theater, cocktails, meet ups, weekend trips,  NL classes, photo trips..) i gain my energy. if i go straight home after work i am restless, i fall asleep even later.. sometimes i feel the need to just stay at home and rest. read or blog a little. But when that time comes, looks as if  any activity at home makes that evening worthwhile. and i am glad that i’m enjoying and having fun even at home.  :))

i’d like for all of you to know that’s not necessary for people to have fun when doing everything, but life is better and maybe great when you have fun doing anything !!

Pics for the nearly weds

24 Apr

when my friend Roxana told me at the end of last summer that she wanted me to do a pre-wedding photo shooting this spring, i was so damn proud and excited and took this thought into great consideration, i guess in order to be prepared in a way when the time came :)) not to mention that i tried to come up with some ideas for the outdoor shots (place, concept etc).

Anyway, this crappy weather that has been going on for the last few weeks (rain, cloudy, sunny, rain again…) let me with little choice, being determined that the first sunny day is ours to shoot, somewhere green and colorful ! so, that day was last Sunday.

Take a look at the excited nearly weds! me so happy that I’ve managed to surprise their happiness the first time I grabbed the camera for this kind of “special requested” shooting 🙂


relationship on. relationship off. hair and Fb status – checked!

21 Apr

i must admit that almost daily i’m surprised how much the social-networking sites changed our lives. it may sound platonic, but we need more and more (and acknowledge that need) to tell people (real friends/acquaintances, Fb friends, maybe to our entire 500+ list..etc) what we do that exact moment, what’s going through our pretty little heads, where we are, who we are with in terms of mates, what we recommend, job related twits and status updates…and the ‘new and exciting trend’ to reveal who we have a relationship with!

i mean come on! i’m a fan for putting myself ‘there’, so anyone can read my blog, see my pics, keep track of my status updates… I’m ok with that, that’s who i am, the PR in me needs to communicate, to reveal my experiences and life provocations, my ideas and resolutions.. All of these addressed to whom it may concern, of course..not to mention that is mainly and foremost a selfish way to escape of everything that crosses my mind, by writing it down.

I can live with news updates, simple posting..and enjoy them..but should i change my status the minute i’m in a relationship so everyone can see and know that? should i keep it simple by not mentioning anything at all? or should i select single or in a relationship with if that’s the case?

WHY, but why should i do that? why should i have a marital status selected?

Isn’t it enough that my friends keep anywayz track of me and the other people curiosities aren’t that important to me? .. the rest of the Fb “friends” being on “need-to-know basis”?!

there’s a catch in all of them: (not discussing here the engaged and married status-i think they are more plausible and actually more palpable..they are a distinct category namely because the changing of marital status comes when the big change is actually going on!)

– if i state i’m single, it’s clear = i’m looking for somebody and i MUST be known as single and unattached. i’m a party loving character and a some sort relationship seeker, eagerly want to keep all of my options open in order not to miss something on the horizon. Maybe i’ve just got out of a tight and kinda restrictive relationship and NOW i must whistle to everybody that i’m on the market again! surely when i’ll start a new relationship (or at least an attempt for one) and my new gf/bf notices my single status and asks me why i haven’t changed yet – and i say: ‘this old thingy? come on..this means nothing to me, i forgot to change it, baby’, but in fact i’ve delayed the moment of the conversation how long i’ve could.

– if i state i’m in a relationship with...= it means i want to “shout, let it all out, these are the things I CAN’T do without. come on, i’m talking not just to you, but to everybody!” i’m currently unavailable, so don’t you perform any kind of moves on me! i like to keep me and my gf/bf satisfied that he/she is the only one for me. You know, these days girls really dig this kind of “social-networking loyalty”.

– If somebody finally decides that’s high time to have such an in a relationship with .. status maybe he should think of the time when he isn’t in a relationship no more. i’m not pessimistic, nut realistic at the idea of changing from ‘in a relationship with‘ to again ‘single’ strengthens my point one “single status” insight of being on the market again!

Once you’ve acknowledged and announced that you are WITH somebody, you MUST announce again that you are now single, because everyone might remain with the first impression in their heads and you send mixed ideas when you make a hit on smbd!

It’s like putting tones of pics (or just one, the feeling is the same) with your “new and improved” and if the relationship turns 180 you may come to a time when you feel the NEED to pull out from your profile all those once happy-times-pics. not so bad and drastic, but it’s a step you don’t have to make if you didn’t once tigh yourself up when it wasn’t the time. pics there are cute all the way, until they aren’t anymore. simple as that and pointless effort, so i’ve learned..

why it’s so much of a big deal to state your status? isn’t it more simple not saying anything – pleaseee at least give me this! it’s enough that on Fb, twitter, messenger we update and change our status as we change our hair, like in the vodafone ad..but come on, does all my life needs to BE out there?

and no, i’m not using Facebook for reasons other than communicating with friends and be in the loop with their activities, events etc. if that thought crossed your mind! THIS is NOT a reason for selecting and changing your status!! i don’t believe that not so ever!

I don’t hide from others, i purely don’t like that this distinct and important part of my life (either in a relationship or single, both status are important) to be public as well and simply just be displayed there by clicking 2 buttons..

Maybe can be more to it than a status change and maybe a status change again (if you become single again :)). i for one think that “significant others” should feel important and special from other reasons, not a FB status change!

Accidentally i found on Mashable a very funny youtube movie stating how much fashionable is the marital status change!


After seeing plenty of Twittered marriage proposals, but a recent video posted to YouTube takes the cake for the most unconventional Twitter and Facebook updates:

Romanian Patient Guide – 13th April 2010 @newsstands

12 Apr

Romanian Patient Guide – Tuesday, 13th April at news stands around the country, with the national newspaper “Jurnalul National” !

(Ghidul Pacientului Roman – Marti, 13 aprilie la chioscurile de ziare din toata tara, cu Jurnalul National)

My company (Houston NPA) launches ‘Romanian Patient Guide’, a new medical publication, addressed to the general public. On 13th April 2010, you can buy the Guide from newsstands around the country, together with the national newspaper ‘Jurnalul National’, at the price of 14,9 ron.

‘Romanian Patient Guide’ is a premium annual publication, 264 pages, presenting 76 patient associations, 30 diseases and thousands of useful pieces of advice regarding one’s health and how one can manage to ‘survive’  in the Romanian health system!

Contains medical information, practical and legislative dossiers, interviews, info on the activity of active Romanian patient associations and why it’s so important for a patient to join and support these associations.  From this one of a kind publication, the general public can learn about the up-to-date legislation regarding the treatments made abroad, about the rights and obligations as a patient or about malpractice or clinical studies.

The issues largely discussed in the Guide were chosen considering the incidence of some affections/diseases in Romania, the problems and day-to-day difficulties faced by Romanian patients  in the public health system, as well as the general degree of medical information owned by the public itself..with is very low comparing to the other European nations.